Since I had missed the annual Kick Off of the PCT back near Mexico, I thought it appropriate to attend Trail Days. It just so happened to coincide with Doc heading back to the Bay area for a wedding. Trail Days was a great meeting place for hikers, enthusiasts, trail angels, retailers and you name its, to hang out on an island in the middle of the Columbia River for a few days. I played a lot of frisbee and catch up with people I hadn't seen in months. I got there a little early, so some friends and I stayed at this motel for a night. You can see 'Merica, as sexy as always, hanging out in the doorway. I had only hiked with him for 4 days, but I had seen him along the trail since the desert.
Dimples and Pippin joining the pose
The island on the right belongs to Oregon on the left. The Bridge of the Gods in the distance with Washington (unseen) to the right of the Columbia River.
We are commonly referred to as "Hiker Trash," but we always Leave No Trace
After a fun filled weekend at Trail Days, it was time to head into Washington. There is an initiative to put a foot bridge along the Bridge of the Gods, but so far I got to walk on this.... Pretty awesome!
Above is the Island that I camped on for 3 nights